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The equivalent of bro in Hungarian slang. A variation of the word is tesa, which has the same meaning.
The term is also a slang word for sibling.

szia tesó, long time no see!
what up tesa?

This is Ropi, my older tesó.

by The iPwn December 7, 2011

10👍 1👎


Spelled "Nyolcker" or "Nyócker", this is a Hungarian slang word referring to the Hungarian ghetto, which is located in the 8th district of the capital. The term is a shortened form of the words "nyolcadik kerület", which means 8th district in Hungarian.

Believe me bro, I know what tough life is like. I grew up in the Nyócker.

The Nyolcker is the hood with the worst rep in Hungary.

by The iPwn October 23, 2011