Source Code

Kiwi Farms

The Gotham city of the digital relm

Going to Kiwi Farms is like having a death wish

by The keckler 2 owo March 13, 2024

2👍 22👎

Steve Ditko

The creator of dr.strange hawk and dove the creeper the question blue beetle squirrel girl many of spider-man's iconic rouges besides venom and of course co-created spider-man himself

Gumba 1:Man Stan Lee created everything about marvel!
Gumba 2:No he didn't a lot of the things created in marvel today we wouldn't have without steve ditko or jack kirby

by The keckler 2 owo January 30, 2023


A obscure marvel hero who doesn't have the best well written stories but are still interesting and cool.
He also has an evil co-walker named the void

Ray: Who is marvel's version of superman?
Marc: That would be sentry but the two are vastly different

by The keckler 2 owo March 14, 2023


To turn something into pudding

this word was invented by deadpool in cable and deadpool #41 when shooting sabertooth to bits

"I mean I'm hoping really 'cause that means I can find new ways to puddinize you. Puddinize means: to turn one into pudding I just made that up." -Deapool defining the word puddinize

by The keckler 2 owo May 3, 2023


arguably the least interesting spider-man villain even more uninteresting then electro

Hyrdo-man is lame

by The keckler 2 owo March 9, 2023

Mumble Rap

Doesn't exist

Mumble Rap is bullshit that was made up lol

by The keckler 2 owo March 19, 2023


A corny ass genre of music

Metal is literally just reddit music lmfao

by The keckler 2 owo March 26, 2023