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Rahul Chitre

A little indian tech suport scammer trying to learn kids math

fuck i cant hear what Rahul Chitre is saying

by The kid in the backrow November 25, 2017


known as the specie of frau,ley also known as Ms.Ley or its real name Lisa ley.
She is undercoverly working for the furher also knows as hitler himself. Or another theory is that she is undercover Adolf Hitler himself or Eva Brown and rebirthed to finish he's actions to concure the world and kill every living soul with tramenduce force and extinct every Deutsch boys dream to get an A in German.
She only picks on the kid in class that doenst seem to have a mental disorder or are to smart to even and up in with this bitch. You can't Come late to a class becouse then you will get beaten with a paddle or a basebal bat. She feeds on living excrement.
She is the only thing execept feminsts that will want to make you not live

That bitch Frau,Ley gave me an E

by The kid in the backrow November 24, 2017

Frau ley

Frau ley is literaly hitler himself here to finish hes actions against the world

shit Frau ley is a bitch

by The kid in the backrow November 25, 2017

Mr Whiteroad

he likes to looks at childrens butts and give out disbeharour notices

mr Whiteroad took m phone AGAIN!!

by The kid in the backrow November 25, 2017