Super Sussy December (or SSD) is an alternative route to go instead of Destroy Dick December (or DDD) that is much more holy and works for children who do not understand the concept of masterbation. Instead of masterbating once every day, you play a round of Innersloths Among Us at least once every day.
Although people find the game is bad because of quick chat, or that it's not funny or popular anymore, simply making an account gives you access to normal chat again, and it's become really fun once more, encouraging more people to try completing Super Sussy December.
"Hey man, you doing SSD?"
"Super Sussy December?"
"Hell yeah, bro! I love Among Us!"
3👍 1👎
"Bogos Binted" is the only known translation that was produced from studying interstellar electromagnetic waves, coming from planet Kepler-22B. We believe it is an ancient race of otherworldly beings trying to communicate with a past version of ourselves, as they would have needed to calculate the time that both the light and the waves would travel in order to reach us. This means that in order to translate, we had to connect it to ancient languages, such as Ancient Pasylyptonian, and translate those messages to today's modern English.
Today, the message means that the person who spoke the words believes that the person receiving it is alien to them, and that they do not wish to make contact for a long time. This is due to the phrased roots, of being sent by aliens and not being received until millions of years later. Essentially, it can be used as an insult, or as a way to end a relationship.
"Hey man, wanna hang out later?"
"Bogos Binted."
"Oh.. I'm sorry, I'll leave"
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An All Nighter is a synonym in the LGBTQ+ community for the term "Gay Orgy"
'Hey bro, wanna pull an all nighter?'
'What the fuck'
'Im just kidding, I'm gay'
A sign of war
"I rember ð" is the famous last words used on an official document by the USA sent to Japan in 1897 declaring war between the two country's. In today's world, the phrase I Rember is still used to signify that you wish to battle someone.
"I rember"
"Oh yeah? What time? I'm prepared for whenever."
"June 2nd, 12:00 A.M at this location"
"Your on."
14👍 7👎
Super Sussy December (or SSD) is an alternative route to go instead of Destroy Dick December (or DDD) that is much more holy and works for children who do not understand the concept of masterbation. Instead of masterbating once every day, you play a round of Innersloths Among Us at least once every day.
Although people find the game is bad because of quick chat, or that it's not funny or popular anymore, simply making an account gives you access to normal chat again, and it's become really fun once more, encouraging more people to try completing Super Sussy December.
"Hey man, you doing SSD?"
"Super Sussy December?"
"Hell yeah, bro! I love Among Us!"
3👍 2👎