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the ugly truth

the ugly truth about your life is that at one point in most people lives they had their mothers vagina stretched across their face.

lindsay told me the ugly truth

by The king Friday February 12, 2014

18πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

the sniffles beard

when a girl is giving a guy a blowjob he pulls out before he blows his load the shoots her in the face and then proceeds to throw glitter in her face making her face glittery

i did the sniffles beard on cierra and i used pink glitter her favorite color

by The king Friday September 9, 2013

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

candy apple

while your woman is on her period you insert your balls into her bloody vagina coating your balls in blood making them look candy apples then she licks off like shes eating a candy apple

my balls looked like a candy apple and she licked it all off

by The king Friday September 10, 2013

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roof job

the act of giving a guy head who is uncircumcised and ripping the foreskin off with your teeth

lindsay did the roof job on me and i screamed like a little bitch

by The king Friday March 13, 2014

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a man who leads a donkey by tugging on the donkeys dick and leads said animal in the direction in which he wants the animal to go.

Kyle the farmer is known for being a cockledragger

by The king Friday March 29, 2014

BlackBerry cream pie

The act of banging a chick so hard that her pussy turns black and blue and then creaming inside thus resembling a BlackBerry cream pie

Dude I performed the BlackBerry cream pie on Jennifer after we both got drunk and she didn't walk right for a week

by The king Friday July 25, 2015

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the bloody nightmare

while your woman is on here period she attempts to have sex with while you are dreaming and when u wake up all you see is blood around your dick making you think you are having a bloody nightmare

lindsay did the bloody nightmare and i woke up and it scared the crap out of me

by The king Friday February 4, 2014

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