If you are in contact with a person (usually female) with the forename Bella and a surname beginning with the letter from the Latin alphabet "B", you should treasure you relationship dearly. They are kind, helpful, funny, and an all round great person. Sure, they never do the dishwasher or unplug the vacuum cleaner, but you don't remember the bad times with them, you remember the countless good times.
Bella D ~ "Hello"
Person ~ "Omg you are so cool""
A person with the forename âGeorgeâ and a surname begging with the letter âDâ is in possession of one of the largest conceivable penises in the universe. If you know or are in a relationship with someone with the forename âGeorgeâ and a surname begging with the letter âDâ, consider yourself lucky. They are also just the best, nicest, kindest, smartest, coolest person you will ever meet. You must really treasure your relationship with them.
George D: Hello I have a massive penis
Person: I know, you are also very cool