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1. The perfect way to cheat someone out of a hard fought game of scrabble, by going over the top and using all of one's pieces to cover the entire board just because hewas "abstract" with a word too when he was really stuck and needed some help (I mean really, just when life needs to cut you a break it goes and kicks you back down into the mud and then proceeds to poke you in the eye and hurl matriarchal abuse in your general direction).

2. A nonsense word/phrase (eg. "Rama-lama-ding-dong", or "Give peace a chance")
3. See "cheating"

H: Hey, I'm going to cheat. How about "onefutecarpetin", that's an unrealistic word and it's worth about 140 points!
M: No! Cheating is wrong!
H: {evil laugh} I'm going to do it anyway, because I hate society and fair-play {repeats evil laugh}. Death to The West!

by The one and only anonymouse July 23, 2009

5👍 2👎


1. To take back something that was once bungled
2. To stop something that is in the process of being bungled
3. A word to use in the game "Ghost" when you're stuck and you've got nothing else to say with the letters "u,n,b,u,n,g and l", so you lie and pretend "unbungle" is a word

Matt: I made this terrible pass the other day
Little Matt: Oh yeah, what happened?
Matt: It was okay, I just managed to unbungle it before they scored
* High Five *

by The one and only anonymouse April 18, 2009


1. Something cool, roughly equal or greater to 10 mega-fonzies
2. a legend

1. He's so o'malley- he's uber kool!
2. What an o'malley!

by The one and only anonymouse February 9, 2009

123👍 30👎