Source Code

Knuckle Love

The act of softly hitting closed fists knuckles first, sharing the love between two people via the knuckle punch.

Mat walks into the lounge room and upon seeing Rob exclaims "Knuckle Love!" and rushes over to tap Robs fist.

by The one called he who is the person from that place you thought of. June 29, 2007

4👍 7👎

Buck Tooth Betty

A shorthand term to describe a person that has teeth that jut a good few centimeters in front of their nose.

... Holy Shit That guys a Buck Tooth Betty! He could open several cans of beetroot with those chompers, heh, he'd give a beaver a hard time, I'd put my money on Betty there, good stock running in that family, good stock.

by The one called he who is the person from that place you thought of. June 29, 2007

7👍 11👎

Broken Glass Worthy

When a guy/girl is SO fine that you'd drag yourself naked, backwards over broken glass just to get a piece.

DAMN! Look at that! She is so Broken glass worthy, WAY too fine to Tony Danza

by The one called he who is the person from that place you thought of. June 29, 2007

18👍 16👎

Evil Photocopier

The most evil thing to have ever beet created, it pilages villages and violates small babies. Even stooping so low as to eat dirt from under a large lazy mans arse this thing will stop at nothing to cause as much havoc and spiteful acts as photocopierally possible.

Billy was walking along his street happily whistling a merry tune when he feels a cold chill across his neck, he glances over his shoulder catching a quick glance of something, he's unsure what. Billy shrugs his shoulders and continues on his merry way when the Evil Photocopier falls out of the sky squashing Billy flatter than a Two dollar hooker on the job

by The one called he who is the person from that place you thought of. June 29, 2007

2👍 5👎