A femcel is a woman who cannot get a relationship due to her attitude.
Less attractive femcels not only struggle to find a relationship but also casual sex, which is something I, as a man, blame men for; if a woman is acting like some testosterone-fueled dude, a man should not lower himself to have sex with her at all, regardless of her looks.
A femcel's comment online: "Submissive? Cook and clean? Men just want a babysitter at this point, they're the worst."
Someone replies: "Must be nice being single by choice, huh? Everyone else's choice, that is. Lmao."
"Pick-me girl" is a term used by jealous femcels to insult a popular, feminine girl who is aware that the modern, strong, independent feminist mindset only drives men away from those types of womenâthe same ones who insult her with that term. So, they resorted to inventing it as an 'insult' because she chose not to subscribe to their 'I don't need no man/I'm a strong independent woman' femcel trash mentality.
A pathetic femcel might say something like: "She thinks acting all sweet and submissive will get her attention from the guys, but it just makes her look like a pick-me girl. So pathetic."