Source Code

Anywhere I Damn Well Please

Anywhere I Fucking Well Please

White store clerk: Ma'am. You can't park here

Miss Thang: Excuyse me but I will park Anywhere I Damn Well Please!

by The other Homeboy December 26, 2008

5👍 1👎

Anywhere I Fucking Please

Someone who doesn't give a damn about any kind of rule because whatever it is, it doesn't apply to them.

White store clerk: Sir. Please don't bring your Pit-bull in the supermarket.

PIMP: I'll bring my dog Anywhere I Fucking Please.

Property Owner: Hi, Please don't get to your section 8 apartment through my fenced in backyard and look in my windows.

asshole: I'll walk Anywhere I Fucking Please.

by The other Homeboy December 25, 2008

8👍 3👎