facial cosmetics, facial makeup(from the facial paint that was sometimes worn by Native Americans)
She forgot to put on her war paint again.
24π 8π
in partnership with someone who shares your purpose (often secretly)
They were in cahoots with the Mafia this whole time.
44π 4π
verifiable and genuine money (from the notion that coins are cold and hard)
I don't think cold cash is going to be enough to persuade him.
7π 5π
what is/was that
a: We running a little late.
b: Wazzat? I wasn't listening. (example of wazzat)
5π 6π
1. (pejorative) a Welshman
2. alprazolam, a benzodiazapine drug (from the brand name tafil)
As soon as someone came along and called him Taffy he logged off.
60π 22π
a person whose chest is much larger than their abdomen (from a term for a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator)
Only after her plastic surgery did she realize that she had become an improper fraction.
7π 15π