an elaborately staged activity, performance, presentation, or event designed to sway or convince people (from a derisive term for a small circus)
Power point was originally used by buisnesses to create a dog and pony show.
493π 96π
1. a erection of the penis
2. a stubborn and severe person
His hard-on drew unwanted attention from his students.
136π 127π
keep quiet about it (possibly from the sound one makes when trying to speak with closed lips, Attributed to William Shakespeare)
Remember, until further notice, mum's the word.
34π 15π
a phrase used when won wins or anticipates a win
When he thought he had really won the lottery, he shouted winner winner chicken dinner.
595π 989π
1. a special edition of a news paper distributed upon the report of something unusual enough to merit it
2. someoene who is in a film as part of a large group/crowd or in the background
My mom once had a chance to be in a film as an extra.
27π 36π
1. A person who associates with The Latter Day saints but is not one of them
2. A Latter Day saint who does not practice or observer the customs and beliefs of The Latter Day Saints
He's the local Jack Mormon of the town.
95π 41π
a tablet of dextroamphetamine, a stimulant drug (from Dexedrine, the brand under which it was marketed)
Dexies have a high potential for abuse. (example of dexie)
36π 10π