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Short for the French expression s’il te plaît (translating to please) - generally only used over text

Hey can you send me that doc stp?

Sure no problem!

by The ultimate definor 3 November 22, 2021


A person who is obnoxious and stuck up. They feel the like they’re “being right all the time.l”

Wow, Karen in the PTA group is such a BRATT

by The ultimate definor 3 October 30, 2020

B. R. A. T.

A per who needs to Be Right All the Time

Similar to a Karen

Ugh that woman wouldn’t give it up, she’s such a B. R. A. T.

by The ultimate definor 3 October 13, 2020


An abbreviation (generally in sports, specifically softball) for I got it!

As the ball flew through the outfield, the left fielder called off the other players saying “Igo! Igo!”

by The ultimate definor 3 October 13, 2020

8👍 2👎

Kale Jail

Being on a strenuous diet, a term originally coined by accomplished MMA fighter Lucas Rosa

Man, I'm going to be in kale jail until I get my summer body back!

by The ultimate definor 3 June 30, 2023