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Nigrot is a newly discovered fungal infection. It was first seen in the Belgian Congo in bonobos . But soon was discovered in the indigenous people of the Belgian Congo .
Symptoms include rotting of the flesh.
Burning sensation.
Darkened Flesh around the infected area.
Dangerous and self destructive behavior.

The poor kids in the Congo have to deal with nigrot.

by The wise oracle July 7, 2019

1👍 1👎

Squirmin Worries Theory

The theory that someone will get nervous and scared when about to ask someone out. They squirm and worry when not knowing whether the other person will say yes or no

Guy 1 : Man you ask out jenny yet
Guy 2 : Nah im kinda worried she'll say no
Guy 1 : Oh you are proving that squirmin worries theory
Guy 2 : wtf

Guy 1: ya you're worried about losin her so you're squirming and worrying
Guy 2 : whatever

by The wise oracle May 3, 2011

3👍 2👎