G-O-O-F Maker:
This individual loves poetry and thinks she is so "Phuckin" "smrt" she lies and throws her body around as a form of correcting an awkward social moment at a "munch" with "NEO" "Mike Wheeler" The "in-mates" "Borge" their way in, and all "seminole vessicles" are left for the "loyal Captain" to "Giggly "snack on"
K- Kife
R-Robertsonian (gone) aka... not worthy.. In fact the McK-with out an ay. Is a G-nome-Buddy. (Check MAte)
M-Moriarty as in "Michaels ii name" & last born of the "imaginery" "familia" (Clout is more important to "SAVE" "face")
Bcuz- I'm (neo) "Castor Troy"
KLRM-Agent means
sure could use a does of REAL-ity-me.... Ta boot maybe add me some boolean to the sputnik on the true entity of "L05E"
The definition of MUNCH is a person who is "R00ted" deep within the earth as the "R00ts" intertwine with the underworld. The Tree of "Munch" is an "OAK" and is "Caucasian" to "B00t" The long "Branches" of the tree reach way up into the "stratosphere" where "myth" says they reach "celestial" heights. Someone who is from out of this world would be what we call "Neo" in the "Matrix" not to mention "commando" "Arnold" "Conan The Barbarian" This MUNCH isn't just a stop by and whine and complain about shit while his or her "mates" go for a "smoke" or get a "bite" A MUNCH is a "TABLE" where EVERYONE can come sit and or stand and enjoy the the conversation and most "Importantly" the "FOOD" "NOM NOM"....
Munch is the life of the party and will overlook from a "B.E.W" (birds eye view) to make sure that all the guests are taken care of, because guests; Always comeback #tampax
Whoa MUNCH really pulled his shit together for this evening...
Munch really hit the Nail on the "head" with his "Neo"-They say she used to be a P.I.S
This type of phenomenon usually occurs after a minimal lack thereof sleep, over the 24 hour mark. Usually accompanied from over indulgence of street drugs that classify as an "upper" or a "party drug" more so often than not Criztulmethanfetamine injested through a pipe for smoking crack with a rubber end to prevent burnage of the nostrils.
Upon one end of the glass tube being heated to desired temperature. Hover the heated glass slowly over the "shards" preferably busted to a fine granulation. This will help with getting the "fix" you desire :). While this is happening you are required to plug one nostril while the other one inhales....When this is completed be sure to hold the glass upright so nothing goops out the bottom and alas, you have wastage and a mess to clean. This is how you avoid Paranoid Schizophrenia.
Cassie Is used to getting whatever she wants whenever she wants to get it and unfortunately for her she is flat broke. Her Craving on this particular day has been heightened, due to the female minstrel cycle. This is a hiccup in Cassies every day demeanor and has to ask her friend the "cookie monster" for assistance until she gets done unclogging the pipes around town. The affair may seem like a simple task but in fact it requires much movement and precise coordination. The cookie monster is not into cookies you see, he must lure a weary traveler into giving him money for cookies with the intention of never returning with the "goods" at that exact moment the rendezvous with Cassie to "passy" the "Criztulmethanfetamine".
Luckily Cassie is a "Loyal, Respectful" Hardworking Mother in a committed relationship with "Mike Wheeler"
Hine sight is 50/50
"Tripograph-y is literally the state of when you are home from being falsely locked up for crimes you did not commit and attend a treatment facility for drug abuse that you clearly did not need and led to believe that you were working on being with ONE partner to eventually become man and wife and work on the goals which was "falsely" portrayed to you"
All while she is be-friending all of your "mates" and givin access to all of your accounts that are instantly abused for meetings to have a "shag"
"Hell" on earth. Slithers through life "filandering" middle aged men "greyer" one who has some "L00t L00t". These females are often mistaken as vermin and although they seem nice at first glance, they really are the most fowl of all life forms that have ever been shaped on this glorious planet. The Persona is a stable hardworking "single" mother who is going through a rough break up with her "addict" "abusive" "controlling" bf.
This creature if you will even call it that after the "malicious" and "Rancid" Plotted out pranks and stunts she pulls usually ends up with her "garments" on the floor or left whoever she decided to drop them. She pretends she isn't usually like this while being very convincing she should get a "Juno" hence "preg" all the time to "lactate" and "manipulate" her way through any mans hard worked for "reputation" and "CLOUT"... She usually likes to play "mom" sometimes for the camera, but in fact she is nothing but a "blackhat" "blackhearted" "malevolent" "Shinook" that carries "clap".
"spam" in your inbox, she will try and coordinate other long planned malacious attacks against you and your reputation, social following/family. Then she may try and incriminate you with false crimes that start small. Over time you end up developing a record and often find yourself "isolated" sometimes having to be incarcerated or "medicated" "Her claws" leave only "lateral" muscle fibers. The fake "nails" are an indicator of her "authenticity"
A "hack" = "Neo" "PRIDE"
Picasso's Infected Spawn- A.k.A- PIS is an acronym for a female who is such a fucking chicken shit to at least look that person she "loved" oh so much in the face and tell them why. Why things happened the way they did and "why" did you do that to le"uno"....