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Skrillex Hair Disease

Skrillex Hair Disease (SHD) is an extremely contagious and deadly disease that is currently in the process of infecting millions of young American women. SHD is the leading cause of the Skrillex Hair Pandemic that is currently an ongoing pandemic in the world with an Index of level 5 severity.
SHD infects young girls between the ages of 10-19, and causes women to shave the sides of their heads to look like Skrillex. These girls do it because they think that by doing it, they are hot, attractive, sexy, and unique. Unfortunately for them, they cannot get it through their thick skulls that shaving the side of their head doesn't make them sexy or hot because nobody wants to date a half-bald bitch, and it doesn't make them unique because they are copying Skrillex along with millions of other brainwashed bitches who wouldn't know uniqueness if it slapped them across the face.
SHD had an R-o (reproductive rate) of 10 and is extremely dangerous. Luckily, the disease cannot infect you unless you are weak-minded and cannot think for yourself. Symptoms include narcissism, the urge to shave their heads, and the impression that they are really sexy being half-bald. If you see somebody with SHD, call 9-1-1 immediately for that individual is extremely contagious. Do not attempt to heal anybody you know with SHD.
SHD is the number one cause why the United States is the land of the free and the home of the dumb asses.


Random girl: Are you okay?


Random girl: Why? She's only.... *gets infected* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA! HELP! IT'S GOT ME!!!!! *Shaves side of head* OMFG SKRILLEX!!! THE BEST FUCKING DUBSTEP BAND IN THE WORLD!!!

Police officer: On no! This is bad! This is bad!!!!! *runs away*

by TheArticMonkey May 12, 2013

125👍 45👎

Skrillex Hair Pandemic

The Skrillex Hair Pandemic is a global pandemic caused by Skrillex Hair Disease (SHD). The disease was first noticed when it officially broke out with the release of the song Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites in late 2010, and since then, the disease has only spread throughout 6/7 continents in the world. SHD is the first global-scale pandemic to break out since the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009.

The World Health Organization (WTO) first announced the outbreak of SHD was in the United States of America in early-mid 2011.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the California Department of Health managed to track the disease to over 15 California counties during the first week of the outbreak.

As of December 2012, the WTO confirmed that the disease spread to every country of the northern hemisphere. The WTO also confirmed the United States of America to have the most confirmed cases of Skrillex Hair Disease in the world because of the enormous amount of fat ugly white girls who don't know what to follow.

In March 2012, the CDC gave SHD a Pandemic severity index of 3. In April 2012, the severity rating was raised to 4 and in June, the severity was rated as a category-5 Pandemic. The index of SHD has lowered over time as little American white girls realize that they are stupid to shave the sides of their head in the first place. As of April 2012, the Pandemic reached a severity level of 2 on the Pandemic Severity Index.

Stupid 13 year-old girl with half her head shaven because she wants to be origional and unique but little does she know that thousands of other dumbass bitches like her are doing the same thing for the exact same reason: OMFG SKRILLEX IS THE COOLEST ARTIST IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND I WANNA DO LOTS OF NAUGHTY THINGS WITH HIM IN MY BED!!!

Epidemiologist 1: See, she has Skrillex Hair Disease.
Epidemiologist 2: Another victim has been taken by the Skrillex Hair Pandemic.

by TheArticMonkey May 12, 2013

20👍 11👎