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Nolympic Expert

A person which after watching an event on the Olympics for a short time, somehow becomes an immediate expert. Found particularly in sports where a score is given by a panel of true experts, such as gymnastics.

Often heard tutting after a slight error from the athlete.

Nolympic Expert: "Oh... he didn't quite land that double axel with half twist, that'll be a half-point off..."

*shakes head during replay*

by TheBald March 1, 2010

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cause it

A phrase eminating from Glasgow which describes an individual's intention to cause damage or to generally go crazy that evening. Usually whilst smashed or battered.

What you doing tonight mate?

Going out to cause it.

by TheBald June 8, 2011

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Tricep:Boob Ratio

The method of telling how much of a girl's bust is made up of fat, by looking at the amount of fat stored in the tricep region.

Scientifically the most accurate method known to the common man. Devised by TheBald.

Guy 1: Mate did you see Steven's new girlfriend? Great set on her.

Guy 2: Check out the Tricep:Boob ratio, it's only because she's chubby.

by TheBald November 18, 2010

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Drink-Drive Challenge

The challenge of doing 10 vodka shots at the end of the night whilst designated driver, and getting home before the alcohol kicks in.

Guy 1: What you got those shot glasses lined up for mate?

Guy 2: Drink-Drive Challenge mate.

Guy 1: Why not, it's Christmas after all.

by TheBald January 1, 2011

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To be denied friendship on a networking site

Person 1: I've been waiting for Sarah to accept me as a friend on facebook for like 2 weeks. Man she's so hot.

Person 2: She won't accept you. You've been friendpalmed.

by TheBald May 10, 2011

awkward facebook silence

The moment immediately after befriending someone on facebook that you don't really feel like talking to.

"Jenny 'Peaches' Smith" has accepted your friend request. - 1 minute ago

*awkward facebook silence*

by TheBald January 28, 2011

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Terry's Chocolate Orange Style

Themed by the "Tap and unwrap" Terry's Chocolate Orange tagline.

The act of sex before remembering to put on a condom. Often sex has already been happening for a few minutes before realising no protection is being used.

Ah man I hope that chick I shagged at the weekend isn't pregnant. I did her Terry's Chocolate Orange Style for like 4 minutes and almost came twice.

by TheBald September 27, 2010

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