McKenzie, some blonde bitch who thinks she is the shit. She likes to complain and has a croaky voice that makes you want to cut your balls off. If you dont have balls then she will make them grow and then you shall remove them. She may ask for a dollar in a russian voice and you have to say no. She will continously nag you for a dollar and she will insist that you know each other. Be careful of Mckenzies that end in y As they may ask for 2 dollars and may rob you. If you were wondering yes still in a male russian accent.
You: Its so nıce and peaceful to wait at starbucks.
( Door opens, enters McKenzie (wıth a y)
You: oh shit
Mckenzy (ın a russıan accent): Gıve dollar!
You: no go away ıve been warned about you McKenzıes
McKenzy: Please come on give me 2 dollar!
You: I thought you wanted one dollar why 2 now ?
McKenzy: Come on we are famıly, give me dollar
You: Fıne ıll give you dollar
(You gıve dollar)
Mckenzy: One more dollar
(You kıll yourself)
(Mckenzy takes wallet and one more dollar)
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