A way to let out rage when losing a game
Person 1: E. Person 2: Did you lose? Person 1: Yes.
1👍 1👎
every pattern in existence.... you must be bored so much you forgot you were typing and almost fell asleep.
Person 1: qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmiklopqpwoeiruyalskdjfhgzmxncbvqscfthnjikopolkmnhgtrdsxzqazqweedcrtgbyuiklopqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuuytrewqopwqklsanmxzcvbndfghjertyuiqwaserdftyghuijkiokloplaszxsdxcdfcvfgvbghbnhjnmjkmqweasdrtyfghuiojklpzxcvbnm Person 2: Did you just try to throw up your guts?