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Anime convention

The best place to go people watching. Anime conventions are the type of place where people will stand at the bottom of an escalator and gather hugs for three hours. People dress up in the most outrageous of outfits, including, but not limited to, kimonos, Japanese school uniforms, tutus, Victorian dresses or suits, and various cosplay outfits.
While not all attendees are nerds, geeks or the like there are a great many, and are very fun to talk to. As are most other convention people.
While there are planned activities and viewings, convention people are very creative, and have started multi level capture the flag games on multiple occasions.
Bottom line, conventions are funner than they seem. Especially while trying not to get caught by the retired volunteers that run the place.

That anime convention was SO fun last night!
I know right, too bad they make minors leave at 2am.

by TheEllieSan August 12, 2010

41👍 13👎