One of the lowest forms of life, chavs can most commonly be found loitering around street corners late at night or in McDonald's. Teenage chavs are generally more violent than adult chavs, as teenage chavs are not only stupid and violent, but also hormonal. Unfortunately, PETA and the RSPCA outlaw killing chavs as vermin under the animal protection act of 1975. Chavs populate roughly an overwhelming 40% of the population of the UK.
Although there are some slight variations, chavs are inherently violent and stupid. Chav attacks are common, especially in the UK and little or no provocation is needed to trigger a chav attack. Although chavs are often in poor physical shape due to poor diet, overuse of alcohol, smoking/drug use and lack of exercise, they can swarm an innocent member of the public within minutes and "kick the shit owt ov him" whilst he is down. Chavs value acting "hard" and appearing intimidating over intelligence and kindness.
Chavs can be very dangerous in numbers, so it is advisable to know how to deal with one. Some may say "to beat the chav you must become the chav". This is true to an extent. If in danger of being attacked by chavs, alter your behavior slightly to appear a little more like them until you get an opportunity to leave. This can be done simply with the occasional use of the word "mate" and avoiding any long words which may confuse or anger the chavs.