Source Code


A person who attacks a person or object with at least 1 fork.

Phil : "wtf faggot stop stabbing me with a fork"
Bob : "Owned!"
Phil : "fuck you forkinator"

by TheForkinator December 23, 2008

13👍 7👎

balls inside me cold

An expression for men for how cold it is. This is by far the coldest it gets for a man.

Phil : "Dude it's balls inside me cold today."

Rob : "amen."

by TheForkinator December 23, 2008

18👍 7👎

Code 10

Code 10 is an intense dense amount of awesome in a small area also known as defranco fever.

"Damn sxephils here! Code 10!"

by TheForkinator December 27, 2008

59👍 33👎

Slay Hole

To fuck a bitch without caring about her.
The opposite of slaying hole would be making love.

Example 1

Rob : "you see that bitch?"
Phil: "yeah shes fucking hot"
Rob : "I slayed that hole last night bro"
Phil: "wow"

Example 2

Bob : "omg I wanna slay hole right now."

Example 3

Tyrone : "Ay shawty let me slay that!"
Laquisha : "In yo dreams"

by TheForkinator December 22, 2008

30👍 5👎