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another name for Boppy.

A beautiful caring person that has the characteristics of an angel.

I want you to meet my friend. Be careful though, she's a boppie; so treat her with warmth and respect.

I love boppie seed.

by TheGreatOne aka Allah April 27, 2008

16👍 7👎


A paper or document that contains privileged information which may have personal value to oneself.

anitsirhc- What should we drink?
molas- hmm not sure, do you want to take out your scroll?
anitsirhc- yeah give me a second, I wrote it last night on my school notes.
molas- cool.

by TheGreatOne aka Allah April 27, 2008

25👍 26👎


A description of a person that has infinite qualities. She is internal, endless and incorruptible.

An abstract concept. A feeling that is much easier to experience than to explain.

My friendship with Boppy is everlasting. We can talk for 8 hours and feel like only 20 minutes has passed by.

Raymond: I broke up with Ecila.
Molas: Why?
Raymond: Our conversations were always about mickey mouse and puppies. She wasn't everlasting.

by TheGreatOne aka Allah April 6, 2008

52👍 21👎


A phenomenon in which two influences come together to produce an effect greater than predicted.

When two individuals with their own complementary skills interact to form a special everlasting bond.

Bun- Hey this relationship isn't working.
Kitty- Why not?
Bun- Our relationship is not synergistic.
Kitty- What do you mean?
Bun- You bring me down, I can't do my homework because you call me to talk to me about cats in your backyard. I want what Doe II and Nga has.

by TheGreatOne aka Allah April 26, 2008

37👍 21👎


A beautiful person. She is intelligent, funny, caring and everlasting.

I want you to meet my friend. Be careful though, she's a boppy; so treat her with warmth and respect.

by TheGreatOne aka Allah March 29, 2008

62👍 26👎