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fuck you pace

A colloquial running term used to refer to a runner or runners in a group that are running at a slower pace than the rest, usually because the faster runners are running a much faster pace than what was agreed upon at the start of the run.

The fuck you pace can be identified by the tail runners who may appear irritated, and are normally giving disapproving looks to the lead runners, while maintaining exactly the speed that they intended at the start of the run.

So there we were in the middle of the night, when their headlights came into view. Dylan was running faster than what they had talked about, so Andy was 100 feet behind him running a fuck you pace, while giving him angry looks.

by TheHairyRunner July 11, 2022


A date to celebrate a person's facial hair growth measured from the time they began growing it.

Typically an annual event, but can be celebrated in months or weeks for newly-bearded people.

Dylan's three-year beardaversary is Friday. That thing is huge!

by TheHairyRunner August 11, 2022


A runner, usually amateur, who openly and consensually runs with multiple local running clubs or groups.

I’ve seen that person at three different run clubs this week, they must be polyrunorous

by TheHairyRunner July 6, 2022

sexy pace

When a runner maintains a moving cadence that is slower than their usual efforts, usually being able to hold a normal conversation or to run without excessive huffing and puffing and premature exhaustion. Slower, sexy pace runs are essential in a training plan to build strength and cardio fitness over longer distances.

The term is a playful reference to other physical activities that normally require two or more people, can last a long time and require stamina, and are best enjoyed when all parties take their time and go slow rather than one or more participants trying to rush through and finish the activity as fast as possible.

My training plan has me running two long runs per week at sexy pace. Those will take me longer, but I won't be so tired after them because they are slower.

by TheHairyRunner July 11, 2022