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Chris Sorrentino

1. Lightweight who can't get it up and likes anal sex.
2. Someone prone to yelling when he is just trying to talk.
3. That bro in your dorm no one likes.

"Sorry, girl, I can't get it up"-Bro Fag
"Wow, you're such a Chris Sorrentino"-Slutty Girl

by TheKimmer September 7, 2010

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Blowjob Attendant

1. What you call a girl in a guy's bathroom who is there for no reason at all.
2. What you wish a girl in a guy's bathroom was and really is.

Pepe: There were 4 girls in the guy's bathroom.
Sanchez: Dude, I think you mean there were for blowjob attendants in the bathroom.

by TheKimmer April 30, 2010

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Sent Home

Commonly expressed term when playing Halo. There are two definitions:

1. To kill someone

2. To kill yourself

Bro 1: What happened to that little kid who wouldn't shut up.
Bro 2: He got sent home.
Bro 1: Nice

by TheKimmer January 11, 2014

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A word describing the New Jersey City of Hoboken reflecting the Bro culture that has ruined it of any good nightlife for the non-bro.

Guy 1: Went to Hobroken last night for a party. It was awful.
Guy 2: How so?
Guy 1: I step off the PATH and onto the street and the first thing I see is multiple bros just throwing air punches. And they were all wearing MMA shirts!
Guy 2: Sounds awful.
Guy 1: Then one bro tried to fight me for no apparent reason but ended up missing horribly and hitting some girl in the face. I got right back on the PATH and left. I didn't even go to the party.
Guy 2: Typical Hobroken.

by TheKimmer April 28, 2014

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Canadian Shower

1. Taking a liquidy shit off a ski left.
2. Can also be applied to any situation in whch a liquidity shit occurs by accident.

Example 1: Bob ate a burrito just before going skiing and gave a Canadian Shower to a group of little kids skiing under the lift.

Example 2: I wanted to fart in Bob's face while he was sleeping but I accidentally gave him a Canadian Shower.

by TheKimmer March 13, 2012

29πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Someone you absolutely hate or a weak looking fool.
Most commonly used with any member of a certain tennis team but most specifically little bear, the soccer star, valedictorian, and 1st singles.

Look at valedictorian hit the ball, he is such a whistle.

Man, I really want to beat that whistle up.

by TheKimmer April 20, 2009

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Tip Job

A type of hand job in which the girl just goes up and down along just the tip of one's dick.

Bro: I brought some freshmen girl back last night who apparently thought a hand job consisted of just going up and down the tip of my dick.

Dude: Sounds like you got your first tip job.

Bro: More like last.

by TheKimmer September 5, 2011

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