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Fuckboy (n.)
1) A weak-willed young man who cowers from confrontation

2) A boy or man who is so obsessed with the need to fuck as many people as possible, that he completely ignores all notions of decency, respect, and common sense. Often prone to lying, cheating, bragging, and making purchases simply because the product might get him laid.

3) A man or boy who ignores the rules proper social conduct, just to get people pissed off

1) "Then he started sayin all this shit about he's gonna fuck my mom" "Damn, but then you got in his face, right?" "Nah, he ran off like a lil' fuckboy"

2) "I'm really tryna get with that girl tina" "Bro, you know she's a lesbian, right?" "Yo, check out this fresh ass hat! Tina's gonna be BEGGIN for the D when she sees me in this." "Jesus, you're such fuckboy..."

3) "Guess what I did?" "What- oh fuck, what is it this time?" "Check it: I just mixed skittles in the m&m bowl. Now people are gonna eat fruit candy and chocolate at the same time!" "You have serious problems" "Lol I know I'm a total fuckboy" "We're at a funeral, for fuck's sake!"

by TheLatterOption June 28, 2015

4👍 3👎


What your mom sucked last night

"suck my dick." "my mom did it already." "wow..."

by TheLatterOption February 5, 2010

8👍 17👎