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A cooler way to say f*ck you in a chat room.

Casey,John & 3 others
John: Hey man.
Me: What's up?
John: Did you hear what Ronny did yesterday?
Me: No, what?
John: He threw up in Art Room 2.
Ronny: No I didn't!
Me: 🪛🫵 Ronny.
Ronny: huh?
Stacy: He means fuck you.
Ronny: Oh.
Principal has joined the chat.
Principal: Ronny! You're expelled!
Principal has left the chat.
Me & 3 others: L
Ronny has left the chat.

by TheMCveteran May 25, 2022


A cooler way to say f*ck you in a chat room.

Cole, John
Cole: John, you smell.
John: Well 🪛🫵
Cole: 🪛🫵🫵

by TheMCveteran May 28, 2022


When your friend asks your opinion on something that you don't want to hear/don't care about.

Friend: Hey so, do you like dancing rats in pepperoni-
Me: No.
Friend: Okay, do you like e-
Me: No.
Me: No.
Friend: Will Smith slaps me
Me: *moment of silence* No.
Friend: *dies of depression*
Me: No.

by TheMCveteran May 25, 2022

how to do my laundry

Why would you search this up in here of all places?

"How to do my laundry"

"I dunno, maybe try searching in google instead"

by TheMCveteran February 22, 2025