A cooler way to say f*ck you in a chat room.
Casey,John & 3 others
John: Hey man.
Me: What's up?
John: Did you hear what Ronny did yesterday?
Me: No, what?
John: He threw up in Art Room 2.
Ronny: No I didn't!
Me: ðªð«µ Ronny.
Ronny: huh?
Stacy: He means fuck you.
Ronny: Oh.
Principal has joined the chat.
Principal: Ronny! You're expelled!
Principal has left the chat.
Me & 3 others: L
Ronny has left the chat.
A cooler way to say f*ck you in a chat room.
Cole, John
Cole: John, you smell.
John: Well ðªð«µ
Cole: ðªð«µð«µ
When your friend asks your opinion on something that you don't want to hear/don't care about.
Friend: Hey so, do you like dancing rats in pepperoni-
Me: No.
Friend: Okay, do you like e-
Me: No.
Me: No.
Friend: Will Smith slaps me
Me: *moment of silence* No.
Friend: *dies of depression*
Me: No.
Why would you search this up in here of all places?
"How to do my laundry"
"I dunno, maybe try searching in google instead"