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Pull-out Game

The action when, during intercourse, the male takes out his penis of the woman before ejaculation, this is used as a form of birth control.
The pull-out game can also be described as weak or strong depending on how good the male is at pulling out at the right time

"Have you been gettin' any lately?" "Yeah, my pull-out game strong though, I don't want no damned children."

by TheMagicalNoodle January 7, 2018

334👍 21👎


A person who acts the same as his/her peers.

All the kids at my school are sheep, just trying to act cute.

by TheMagicalNoodle February 24, 2017


Actually means very biased against certain types of car, especially when pertaining to races, hence the term racest

Billy: Bro Mustangs should not compete in NASCAR
Johnny: Bro don't be racest.

by TheMagicalNoodle March 15, 2019

1👍 21👎