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Small village in the region near Barcelona. Once upon the time the village elders said to the new generation that they had to escape the little town and move out of there (cause WW1 and many epedimics). So all the person around 16-25 (ish) had to move out so the village could once again be rebuilt when all the other people died. But to rember the little town they had to change their last name to Saldes. Now (2016) the village is still empty but many with the name Saldes live. But there's one tihng more to do, pass this story on to his/her child/ren so the people who sacrifeced all they had for them to move would be rembered trough time. Saldes

-Huh you're from that village in spain, right?

-Yeah Saldes

by TheOldElderThatTellsStories December 9, 2016