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The fear of having to make a choice, for example from a menu in a restaurant or different items to choose from in a shop.

Origin: Phobia from ancient Greek phóbos, “fear”

I prefer a single dish of the day in a restaurant or a fixed menu suggestion to a large menu. The choice makes me uncomfortable or even anxious. I know, that's menuphobia .

I often come back from shopping empty-handed. It was my menuphobia again. I couldn't make up my mind.

The more similar the alternatives are, the harder it is to make a decision. This is one reason for menuphobia.

by ThePhysopher April 22, 2024


Making decisions is always a task. But it is an unpleasant task for many people. The term "menuphobia" describes this aversion to having to choose between several alternatives.

I hate long lists of choices in restaurants. My wife always makes the better choice and I have to watch her. I already have real menuphobia.

I'm not going to choose this time. With these candidates I have real menuphobia.

There is so much great food to choose from on the cruise that I can't make up my mind. I can't be happy because of my menuphobia.

by ThePhysopher May 21, 2024


The reluctance to make decisions

Making decisions is always a task. But it is an unpleasant task for many people. The term "menuphobia" describes this aversion to having to choose between several alternatives.

I hate long lists of choices in restaurants. My wife always makes the better choice and I have to watch her. I already have real menuphobia.
There is so much great food to choose from on the cruise that I can't make up my mind. But I still can't be happy because of my menuphobia.

by ThePhysopher June 17, 2024


Too Much Political Correctness

means political correctness exaggerated to a pont where it becomes intolerant, humorless and irrational.

Please call me Black, I am proud of my genes. To call me a Afro-Caribean is for me TMPC.

To pretend that women are in general betterin programming than men is slightly TMPC, isn't it?

by ThePhysopher August 10, 2017