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Why the hell did you search up sex? you're down bad fosho, You and i both know you know and i know what sex is.

Elijah: bro last night i had hare core Sex with iona

Jack: did you nut?

Elijah: hell yeah i did, she's so tight.

by TheSkinnestBitchAlive July 19, 2021

56👍 7👎

mommy issues

you have issues keep a healthy relationship with your mom

you and your mom cant stop arguing, or she says hurtful things, or invalidates your feelings.
shes probably said things like these to you :

"stop being a ungrateful piece of shit"
"all you do is take up space and suck up all the oxygen"
"maybe if you werent such a fuck up"
"you're the problem"
"your a mistake"
"you're so fucking mean all the damn time"
"you're so annoying"
"leave me the fuck alone"
"i give you almost everything you fucking ask for and its still never enough"
"you're overdramatic"
"stop complaining so damn much"
"good for nothing"
"why are you legs so skinny"
"you eat to much"
"your eating to little"
"you look fat"
"your gaining weight"
"why are you losing weight"
"you dont have any mental problems your just a fucking weirdo"
if so, you have mommy issues.

by TheSkinnestBitchAlive December 28, 2022

90👍 9👎


failing to stay clean of self harm

after 18 days of no cutting, i let memories get to me and i relapsed

kensley: i relapsed..

camilo: .. im so sorry

by TheSkinnestBitchAlive December 28, 2022

36👍 2👎


There are 2 things that a "Daddy" Is, either a male father figure Or Your partner, Women often call their partner daddy when they are in the bedroom cooking things up they like to be dominated and over powered, and Girls/Boys that call there father daddy is just like saying dad.

Iona: Hey daddy Can you pass me the salt?
Dad: Sure.
Partner: Sure.-

by TheSkinnestBitchAlive July 22, 2021

344👍 49👎