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Confirmation from the urban dictionary when you don’t know what modern day slang means.

Person 1: “Why did this kid just call me a Karen”
Person 2: “Idk, just go to the urban dictionary for some urbafication”

by TheSmartOne.. Maybe December 2, 2021

House mouse

A house mouse is the one person in your household that everyone has a problem with. This person will not care about the problems and will continue doing them for gratification of being the house mouse. The house mouse does not get in trouble for the house mouse shenanigans.

Brother: why does she get to do that!
Mom: she’s not doing anything wrong!
House mouse: I love being the house mouse!

by TheSmartOne.. Maybe April 19, 2022

1👍 2👎

School lunch

The worst non-edible concoction of the universe. Food that is an old, over or under cooked, too greasy, spoiled version of real food.

Kyle: did u see the school lunch dude
Matt: yeah it looks like dog shit

by TheSmartOne.. Maybe April 19, 2022

Ultra Best Friend

An Ultra Best Friend is a soul mate. Someone who you will argue with but always get over it. Someone you love. You guys won't mind saying I love you to each other. When you have an Ultra Best Friend you will know. You want them in your life forever. It's ok to catch feelings for your Ultra Best Friend and it's ok to date them. It's ok to have butterflies when you are with your Ultra Best Friend. It's ok for a boy and a girl to be Ultra Best Friends. Don't let your significant other make you stop being Ultra Best Friends.

Jonny: Are you guys dating?

Tyler: No, she is my Ultra Best Friend

by TheSmartOne.. Maybe November 14, 2019


The best sandwich ever.

Chris: I’m gonna have a mouthgasm .
Frank: Why ?
Chris: Because I just ate a BLT

by TheSmartOne.. Maybe April 5, 2020