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Is an adjective used to state that somthing has epic status.

epi gives a nice break from the general over use of the word epic.

reference Randi

Sam 'Hey James, I just did 30 Epi-laps of the Nรƒยผrburgring on Forza, driving class C cars.'

James 'Epi-wow!'

Sam 'Epi-yeah!'

by TheSpine5plitter October 9, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is an adjective used to state that somthing has random status.

Randi gives a nice break from the general over use of the word random.

reference epi

Cloontang 'Check out my latest blog entry. It started out as me discussing the worlds finacial problems but ended in a Radi-rant.'
Hilldawg 'I was Randi-clicking on UrbanDictionary the other day and i came across the word Necroanimatophiliac. I didn't know they had a word for my desires!'

by TheSpine5plitter October 9, 2008

261๐Ÿ‘ 312๐Ÿ‘Ž