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fat girl party

A congregation of lonely, overweight girls, in which said girls get excessively intoxicated, cry about being fat and then consume excessive amounts of meat-lovers pizza, only to end up drunk-dialling men who are way out of their leagues for the shameful, unprotected sex that they seldom receive. A fat girl party often makes its way into a night club or bar, in hopes of achieving latter goals; these hopes often go unfulfilled – hence the need for more fat girl parties.

Eric: I went to a party on Friday night
Zach: Sweet, how was it?
Eric: Unfortunately, it was a fat girl party
Zach: Sorry to hear

by TheTruthAboutEverything November 7, 2009

38👍 41👎

Tavares Middle School

Tavares Middle School the teachers suck and when you turn something in it takes like 2-3 weeks to grade and then progress reports are out and if you get mrs proctor switch out IMMEDIATELY because she is the WORST teacher ever and takes the longest to grade shit and she will put a 0 in for no god damn reason when you did the work and turned it in. The principal is fat as fuck and when she walks everything shakes. The school food sucks ass and all they serve is pretty much greasy pizza. And all the teacher pretty much suck so I suggest just don’t go here because the ISS teacher is rude and fat. And mrs proctor gets pregnant every year and all she does is talk about how miserable her life is and all about her kids lives like nobody care. And for civics you better hope you get mrs van she’s the best but overall the school is just terrible and a dumb. This school is a dumb ass shity school. The teachers are bitches

Boy: what school do you go to

Girl: Tavares middle school
Boy: oh that school is a dumb and I feel bad for you

by TheTruthAboutEverything October 23, 2019