Commander West is a Big Stinky Fuck, he is a Virgin Wojack and will always be, he deserves to go to Brazil Immediately, I don't know why but he's also kinda cool but a bastard at the same time.
Commander West is an Asshole and should go back to Jabiim.
Who the fuck is Commander West?
How is Commander West a Commander?
The Zeconumians are a Group from the Famous Lego Child Platform called Roblox, they are a Star Wars Group from the Game called: "Illum" developed by a man only known as "Askavix", they devote their time to pointless game night and things related to random things, only Chad is named Jordi, he is a Based Man who is very funny, it is Co-Ran by a Man named: "Zncient_Zeconuma", the History of the Group is long and narrow but recently a Man from the Group has been cast out for being conflicted of Pedophilia in the Group with a 14-year-old girl.
Do you know what Zeconuma is? I don't since I think they are all pussies (Proceeds to touch a Child).
- Liv3forZeconuma