Politically correct (aka Newspeak) term for "physical distancing". You're not actually distancing yourself socially. Social distancing is actually distancing yourself from society and being less social. We're not doing that here in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
"Social Distancing" is a term that sounds so cringeworthy and almost politcally euphemistic.
20👍 5👎
Derogatory term for suburbia, so named because most of the main thoroughfares are "stroads" (wide fast roads with tons of entrances and exits).
Many of the people spreading FUD about "15-minute cities" grew up in suburban Stroadville and never knew what it is like to be in a truly walkable, pedestrian-friendly environment. Others, however, have managed to break out of that bubble and are actually advocating for better zoning.
2👍 1👎
A non-offensive way of saying "nigga" but instead of replacing the g's with ð
±ï¸'s this time it's done with ð
So it's like nið
±ï¸a but slightly different
Yo, wuss ð ¿ï¸oð ¿ï¸ð ¿ï¸in nið ¿ï¸ð ¿ï¸as
6👍 1👎
An Elon Musk fanboy/fangirl. They'll often force Elon into many completely irrelevant conversations as that's all they can basically talk about. They are often completely oblivious to the inherent problems in the real world that will cause many of Elon's ideas to fail.
A: "As a person who can easily ignore the QC problems in Tesla's cars, I can tell you that they drive very nicely."
B: "Jesus Christ, you are nothing more than a Muskito, in your eyes Elon is God and can do no wrong."
When it comes to engines, the term "deleting" refers to the removal of one or more of the emissions control devices that the engine came with. When an emissions device is "deleted", the device and any other relevant components in question are physically removed and the engine is then re-tuned to run without said device.
"Deleting" is different from "defeating" in the sense that "deleting" refers to physically removing emissions devices, but "defeating" involves disabling emissions devices while leaving all of them in place on the engine. For example, an EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) cooler can be defeated by welding it shut in some spot or blocking it off from one or both ends by inserting a metal plate between the cooler and the exhaust or intake manifold. DPF's (Diesel Particulate Filters) can be defeated by being drilled out or by installing bypass pipes.
On Diesel engines, people who do deletes will typically remove EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) systems and DPF's (Diesel Particulate Filters), as these two systems are infamous for drastically increasing a Diesel engine's fuel consumption.
Here in Michigan we no longer have any kind of emissions testing, which means that today you can find quite a few deleted Diesel trucks, and even some cars and SUV's, running around in the state.
11👍 4👎
Yet another one of those minimally-offensive way of saying "nigga". A break from the tradition by using the ð ¿ï¸ emoji instead of ð ±ï¸ emoji. Adds a little more spice to it.
Dude A: What up my nið
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