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Contrary to his name, the D-Dog is not actually a dog at all. Nor is he some form of tiger – despite what some funky logos would have you believe! He is in fact a human and a strange subsect of human at that. The technical term for such a sub species is Vocalis-mentalis-entertanium or in layman’s terms – the front man to a rock band.

Although a social animal, the D-Dog spends much of it’s time in relative solitude. He spends this time much like a monk….a monk who isn’t silent or in monastery or wearing any kind of robes-or anything at all in many cases- look at all that skin! - oh god this is a terrible analogy!

The D-Dog’s seeming ability for bad time keeping is a long standing trait of all wizards – wow, the evidence is really mounting now! Whoa! Did you see that?! How does he do it? Hmmmm magic!

by The_Tormentor September 29, 2021

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