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resembling a mite or tick.

Wierdo: You resemble a tick.
Smart Guy: Did you mean acaroid?

by Thegamers1222 March 14, 2023



6^6 = 46656

by Thegamers1222 June 2, 2023


1. Literally a piece of coral. 2. Another way of saying weed

Do you smoke🪸

by Thegamers1222 September 1, 2023

from 1933

1) when the stuff you do is dead
2) actually from 1933
3) dumb

He's from 1933
he's dumb.

by Thegamers1222 March 20, 2023


An ant

ôô(:){ is an ant

by Thegamers1222 June 6, 2023

qwuiy lehyu2wrfu8ewhfury7e4 3u7y qt4 y7y4

How did you Find this page

qwuiy lehyu2wrfu8ewhfury7e4 3u7y qt4 y7y4. How did you find this page.
there is no way someone is looking at this besides me.

by Thegamers1222 March 14, 2023


Vroom vroom vehicle for cool guys only.

I got myself a 🏍 it goes vroom vroom

by Thegamers1222 September 1, 2023