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A car that looks like a ordinary car on the outside and fast on the inside.

Person 1: I drive a 2001 Honda Civic
Person 2: That isn't fast!
Person 1: That is a sleeper
Person 2: What does sleeper mean
Person 1: A car that looks like an ordinary car on the outside and fast on the inside.

by Theguy86 August 11, 2021

Hot Pursuit

A forgotten Need for Speed game.

Dude 1: What was that guy playing?
Dude 2: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
Dude 1: I can't even remember what that is.

by Theguy86 July 17, 2021


any measurement of time which includes seconds, hours and minutes.

Tom: Hey John, whats the time?
John: 6:13

by Theguy86 April 15, 2021


See Recursion.

Man 1: What is Recursion?
Man 2: Recursion is Recursion.
Man 1: What???

by Theguy86 July 18, 2021


A shortened word which can mean another word.

Tim: Network is often abbreviated to "net".
John: Really?
Tim: Yeah.

by Theguy86 April 15, 2021

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