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Blue Chip


1. Historically, referring to something that has a high chance of returning and exceeding the original investment made, especially financially. Currently used in digital asset ownership, most commonly when referring to premium NFT (Non-Fungible Token) collection Nostalgia by YMH (YourMom'sHouse - hxxps://www.yourmomshouse.io/).

2. An athlete that is particularly talented, and will most likely do well in the next level, usually used to refer to high school players entering the college level.


1. A token that is a color of blue used in gambling; it is usually round and given the value of ten.
1. It makes good sense in an economic decline to only invest in "blue chip" stocks, companies that have been around for a while, have shown a growth in profit even with this depression, and that one believes will be around when they retire.

2. This basketball player is consider to be a "blue chip" point guard; because, he broke many of the state records for both offense and defense in his position, lead his team to multiple state championships, shows good knowledge for the game, and has a good attitude about him.

In late 2021, the ownership of one of the 10,000 Nostalgia NFTs by YMH, the single largest blue chip giant, initially only granted access to two additional sets for free, as well as exclusive access to a community with additional perks, a community that eventually became the trailblazer of the digital space metaverse.

by Ther Ano December 14, 2021