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You are ok. You are doing fine in your life. If you need somebody to hug, there will always be someone. You will be ok. You do not need to worry about yourself. You will be your best, and that is good enough. Have a good day, and scarf your spaghetti! ;)


by Thera P. October 2, 2021


Gay: Dude who likes a dude. They chill.
Lesbian: Gal who likes a gal. Okay.
Non-Binary/Enby/NB: They don't have a gender. They don't need one to feel like themselves.

Bisexual/Bi: They like everything. This includes cheese.
Pansexual: I'm pretty sure they're bi. They also like cheese.
Queer: Not hetero or cisgender.

Transgender/Trans: They're not what they seem... some would say they're... PEOPLE WHO CAN CHOOSE THEIR PRONOUNS! But no seriously trans people be chill.
Asexual: They don't do adult naughties.
Aromantic: They don't like anybody. They still might like you as a friend tho.
Transsexual/Trans(again): Basically trans I think? Meh, they do what they want.
Two-Spirited: These people are male and female at the same time! What an achievement!
Questioning: These people are still exploring. They'll figure it out.
Intersex: These people are... not male nor female, but also not non-binary. It's kind of confusing, but it's fine.
Ally: A friend of the LGBTQ+ community.
Agender: These people don't need genders.
Gender Queer: Not exclusively male or female.
Bigender: Their gender depends on their mood. "I'm feeling man right now." Ya know, that's kind of a funny sentence.
Pangender: These people are EVERYTHING. They are all genders, including cheese and mushroom.

If I got any of these wrong, feel free to beat me up! I would also like to point out that pedophiles are not in this list because they shouldn't be compared to the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm part of the LGBTQ+ community. I would be considered in Ally.

by Thera P. October 2, 2021

7👍 7👎