a town between beaumont and lafayette in the state of louisiana. It is typically a rainy state, not experiencing any seasons other than rainy and summer.. The primary high school in lake charles is AM Barbe. This is the source of educated citizens living in Lake Charles. Most of these people are of substandard education, 60% of whom do not know where mexico is by the end of their college education. Of the entering freshmen class, 30% of people are high school dropouts..
The college in lake charles is Mcneese State University. This university is currently under review by SAACKS for academic substandard education.
Furthermore, this city is devoid of activity other than mardi gras and chemical production, the wastes being dumped into Lake Charles.
So basically, lake charles is a place where educated chemical engineers dump their waste.. its a toiletbowl of whitetrash and shit..
The roads in lake charles are substandard compared to most american cities.
So are going to college in Lake Charles?
Yeah, its a hellhole..
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