n. noun (yur-l) sounds like girl.
1. A yurl, is an affirmation or a yes vote. Used in place of "yea", "Eye" or "I" in a democratic voting process.
2. adverb. Meaning Yes, or yea. Originated from the word yea.
In an early nintendo based video game featuring comic type characters, the phrase "oh yea" sounded like "oh Yurl". The phrase became a common substitution for any feeling of elation, or need to say yes. Later lenthened to "Yurla", the word also became a common greeting and salutation among members of the collective group called "shoosh".
Yurl differs from yurla in that it can be used as a noun as well as an the adverb and salutative forms that are shared by its close brother yurla.
"We will continue with the public hazing when the Yurls exceed the Blargs"
Speaker: "Do you agree with me or not?"
Answer: "Yurl baby"
See also, blarg, indunction munction, cleavage
8π 16π
Meaning Cool
Said in a cool way.
Also a Rapper
random person: "I like that hat you've got on"
cool guy: "cooleo"
35π 16π
Meaning Cool
Said in a cool way.
Also a Rapper
random person: "I like that hat you've got on"
random person: "I like that hat you've got on"
cool guy: "cooleo"
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Short for "Convocation". The tri-weekly nationally broadcasted chapel service at Jerry Falwells' Liberty University.
All students are required to attend Convo three times a week and have seating sections inside the steal dome called "The Vines". There is a dress code and TV cameras. Approximately 6000 students attend Convo and World renound speakers such as Politicians and Scientists come to speak often.
"I get up every day to attend Convo, I love Jerry Falwell!"
60π 191π
Technical Definition:
The Cellular remains of a wound when large amounts of healing has occured in an infected area, such as a skin sweat or oil duct, a epidermal blood clot, or an ingrown toenail.
Laymans terms: That yellow, slimy, goopy stuff that splatters all over the mirror when you pop a zit, or pick your scabbs, or stub your toe.
"Girls with acne are gross. I just think about all that puss on their faces!"
41π 63π
Prominant Public face of the "Religious Right".
Jerry Falwell started the famous, "Moral Majority" which helped establish christianity as a political lobying group and helped get Regan, both Bushes, and many other politicians elected.
Founded Liberty University, the largest Christian University in the USA. Basically runns Lynchburg Virginia.
Jerry Falwells face frequents Crossfire, and Donehue as well as many other mediums such as Fox News, Daystar, and The Old time Gospel Hour. He's known all
around as the most outspoken and "on the wing" conservatives in America.
As only Christian on Television who is willing to say what nobody else has the gutts to, he getts alot of flack for saying alot of bold statements such as, "Mohamid was a Terrorist", and "911 happened becasue of the evils of America like sex on TV, abortion, and Homosexuality."
The terrorists bombed us because our society offends their sense of morality and it probably offends God too. Not because Jerry Falwell says you're going to Hell. And if you have a problem with him saying that, Either ignore it, because its not true, or if it is true, do something about it and turn to Jesus and stop your complaining. Like Jerry Falwell says, "None of you have to go to hell unless you put yourself there. Jesus is knocking on the door of your life. Won't you let him in?"
"The Decline of the male role in society can be narrowed down to two things. Sex on TV, and Internet Porn."
~Jerry Falwell
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n. (In-dunk-shun Monk-shun)
In English, it means, "Induction motion"
(Variation of the words: Induciton, function, motion, gumption, presumption, petition, monk, emption (to buy).)
1. An official verbal petition during a Shoosh society meeting to be inducted into the society.
The prospective member must first make his motion, or "munction" as it is called during meetings, by giving a case as to why he or she should be accepted.
The elders of the club then usually haze or pretend to haze them until they are satisfied, and have had a thorough laugh. If they are satisfied, the prospective must then claim a ball, demand clergy in the name of that ball with the phrase, "I hereby now demand clergy". Once clergy has been demanded, he or she must then raise their fist and proclaim the sacred word, "Shoosh"!
If the other members also raise their fists and universally shout "Shoosh"! The induction ceremony is complete, and the new member is accepted.
(yes this is a real club and this really happens!)
Speaker: "Let the Indunction Munction function begin upon the presumption that whomever has the gumption to begin the petition. Shoosh!"
Reply from crowd: "Shoosh!"
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