Source Code

Gay Bangs

Pronunciation: \\ˈgā\ˈbaŋz\
function: overtly androgynous symbol
Variation: Formerly "Jerry Curl"
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1: A hair style first found in Anime cartoon characters
e.g: Picachu
2: A modern hair style coined by the artist formerly known as prince, tends to make one wonder the non platonic orientation of ones counterpart. Then after years of assuming that persons orientation you later realize that they now date the hottest model on the planet and wonder why you didnt grow gay bangs...

Chuck: dude your gay bangs totally match your new purse!
Buck: oh stop! (waves hand passively)
Chuck: hey, look at Prince and those Gay Bangs... Do you wonder at times which team he is playing for?
Buck: no, he dated Vanity and married Mayet Garcia and now has a kid...
Chuck: who would have thought...

by Thorhunter April 29, 2009

2👍 4👎


A simple Halloween costume consisting of no pants, 5 inches of string and a single potato.

Joe: dude... love your dic-tater costume

Bob: Thanks, im a little cold...

Joe: Hope you didn't tie that string too tight...

by Thorhunter October 22, 2010