Source Code

4 fingers up

4 fingers up if you have a crush on k

4 fingers up means you have a crush on someone startkng with the letter k

by Tia_is_fine July 6, 2022

4 fingers up

4 fingers up if you love brunettes

4 fingers up brunettes are better then other hair colours

by Tia_is_fine July 5, 2022

4 fingers up

4 fingers up if you are madly in love with a certain girl

I put 4 fingers up to u

by Tia_is_fine July 5, 2022

4 fingers up

If you put 4 fingers up you are majorly attracted to a certain girl

4 fingers up if you like a girl

by Tia_is_fine July 5, 2022

4 fingers up

Four fingers up means you are majorly attracted to the letter k😉

4 fingers up mean you like a girl that has four fingers up

by Tia_is_fine July 6, 2022

Four fingers up

Four fingers up if you last longer than 90 minutes

Four fingers up means you last ling in bed

by Tia_is_fine July 8, 2022

Four fingers up

Four fingers up if you love brunettes

Four fingers up if you think brunettes are the best people

by Tia_is_fine July 5, 2022