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Whomp can either be used as a compliment or to turn people down. Another term for “PERIODT”

(Nyc bird slang)

Ex: your friend posts a cute picture
You can say “ WHOMP because you my sista looking cute or what ever”
Ex2: thirsty boy “ you trying to link”

Me “ ewww dusty get outta my face whomp.”

by Tiatoocute15 December 23, 2020

90👍 14👎


Dayroom is meaning that a person or people either doesn’t text back or show up to functions.

Person 1: I haven’t Heard from you In a while.
Person 2: I know I’ve been chilling lately

Person 1: I’m not going to lie, you’ve been mad dayroom lately.

by Tiatoocute15 December 23, 2020

30👍 6👎