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A gorgeous hippie soul ,yet a demon witch employed direct by Lucifer himself.Loving,honest,also will take your beating heart from your cheast and will make you gladly hand it over without a fight.Deepest blue angel eyes that make u fall into her spell of love.When shes thru with you she will leave her belongings and take everything you owned and mostly keep the heart you let her steal.Like a fool you will love her til you die from the loss of the best lover and friend youve ever come across in your life.Deal with it though you did it to yourself.

Damn i didnt hesitate to give my beating heart to that beautiful demon ....hmmmm i sure do miss my Caitlin fuck my stolen heart.

by Til lindemann May 6, 2020

3👍 1👎


The Race of Shenies that killed the messiah.They made a religious belief in the mother Mary 500Bc.?.Also patented said Catholic church and sold it to the Roman Roman peoples, as one would put Mickey mouse on a plastic lunch box and thermos and justify it with the profits that were made by the damnation of thousands of souls.Be it so these Jews didn't mind that for their coffers were lined with Shekels.Jesus was born as the messiah,and these "Chosen people of God" denied Jesus was anything but another man, worse than that just another greedy jew.In Jesus's life these Jewish people witnessed many times miracles in which the Messiah preformed before there beatie Kike eyes.In the process made their lil "judenhounden"brains worry, but instead of making them believers,Jesus, in jew mindset they were not able to admit they were wrong and to rectify their mistakes they had the faux Roman religious faith followers kill this "Jesus son of God"as so the blood was anything but on Hebrew hands.So Judas,Jesus's supposed friend sealed the messiahs 30 and a few years with a kiss,showing the Religious Roman Catholics and their emperor this "Messiah"so they could crucify him!

1.)Hebrews,Jews,Kikes,Shenies,these are all names of the Shekel hording soulless animals that had My Jesus killed,Yet cashed in on making Catholicism and manipulating their own people into the Bible and the Christian faith.
2.)Hebrews lied about 1940s Germany,The germans believe in Christianity and God said "Do not live amongst non believers who have no interest in being committed to the belief in God or Jesus, if you remain in the midst of these sinners you are just as guilty as them in sin for their belief that Jesus was just another man,not the savior of mankind who died to pay the debit of all our sins.So Heir Hitler offered these gypsies eight months to leave the country for the German fatherland wasn't trying to enforce God and Christianity upon the Judenhounden...what the Jews were not understanding was the fact that they were nicely being asked to leave peaceful like 1941 SS soldiers helped them out and to camps.The whole nation of Germany can't help that Himmler was a lil bit more than out of control but these Jews had been given a free pass by train to a place out of the country.Lesson of the story "Dont Kill The Son Of God "

by Til lindemann January 16, 2021

Rattus cattus

1.)"Rattus cattus"At first glance possibly an interesting idea sharing Individual.Upon closer review is just another example of why,Kinder müssen nichts über das deutsche Vaterland und seine Völker erzählen.Dies machte deutlich, was amerikanische Politiker und jene Juden, die Regierungslügen finanzieren, über eine von jüdischer Gier zerstörte Nation verbreiteten und was die christlichen Massen in Deutschland (ja, sogar in den 1940er Jahren) wussten, dass "Judas" (ein Jude) Jesus die tötete Der Messias wurde getötet und Kikes beschuldigte den katholischen Römer und die Juden, diese Religion aus Gier des jüdischen Hundes an sie verkauft zu haben. Geh weg von ihren bösen Taten und rieche nach Rosen. Gott liebt dich trotz deiner eigenen Unkenntnis der wahren Natur des Kikes. Das jüdische Volk hat nur Jesus getötet ...

"Das juden"Rattus cattus is the name of the type that would kill our Jesus if he was to return to the earth as a man for a 2nd time.

by Til lindemann January 16, 2021