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chat syndrome

It's when you chat online for so long that you begin to use phrases like rofl and wtf in the real world. see also: reality chatspeak

dude: WTF?? My clam chowder tastes like bongwater!!
sane person: shut up you whore.

by Tiller July 14, 2005

48👍 20👎

poverty sandwich

A Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. Usually in a ziplock bag and brought to school.

Haha!! Jimbo has a poverty sandwich! His Family's poor!

by Tiller November 6, 2005

14👍 10👎

pale chub

A fish in animal crossing. Possibly the funniest name for any type of animal EVER.

Hey everybody! my pale chub is on display!! It's 4 inches long!!

by Tiller November 6, 2005

19👍 6👎

reality chatspeak

It's when you chat online for so long that you begin to use phrases like rofl and wtf in the real world. see also: chat syndrome

sane person: George Bush is a whore.
dude: ROFL!!

by Tiller July 14, 2005

104👍 61👎


Stuff that happens after you fart or say something stupid. Usually awkward. Also, Really fun to break.

Look Guys!! A Burrito!!
*awkward silence*

by Tiller July 18, 2005

14👍 27👎