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1; a roller coaster is simply a train on steroids, it is a train that runs on a track excepted it can do all kinds of maneuvers such as hills, loops, corkscrews, banked turns and the list just keeps going

Coasters are becoming better and better to the day because of the "battle" that is going on between theme parks across the world. The goal is to be the park that is known for its coasters, better than any other. Cedar point, a very popular theme park is only popular for its record breaker's. It is home to the first coaster to go over 200 feet, the first coaster to go over 300 feet, and the first coaster to go over 400 feet.

I am very aware that it is "roller coaster" not "rollercoaster" I just had to make it one word.

No wonder this park is so famous, this rollercoaster is incredible!

by Tim Lawson February 11, 2015

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