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a land where pissing publicly is praised and exposing the body part relieving it's self is openly applauded

lf a place like Wizzdom existed l could just drop my draws anywhere and piss with great abandon !

by Timouthy Titmouse August 28, 2020


Bu-Fu A shortened version of butt-fuck.

Bend over and I'll bu-fu you good.

by Timouthy Titmouse June 22, 2020

2👍 1👎


A place you drive to and watch movies in your car.

We went to the Outdoor and saw a good movie.

by Timouthy Titmouse May 24, 2020


a young male who brags about the large cock he has only to be found to have a tiny member.

that dude had all the girls excited only to discover what a punk-prick he really is.

by Timouthy Titmouse September 30, 2020


Slumps are Sluts that support Trump's ethics. Low life losers that accept the fact they will misrepresent themselves, even illegally, to achieve success

Both of them have become Slumps by leaving a trail of bankruptcies and unpaid taxes in their wake.

by Timouthy Titmouse January 30, 2021


VW is a video whore otherwise known as a Porn Star. A person, being man or woman, that preforms sex and or sexually related activities for money.

She became a VW to make easy money and enjoy showing off her body to the public.

by Timouthy Titmouse January 30, 2021


Groaning after being impacted in the area of the groin.

That poor girl has every right to be Groining after a direct kick to her Vergina.

by Timouthy Titmouse February 8, 2023